Saturday, 12 November 2016

How to perform well during US clinical rotations?

If you want to make the most out of the US clinical rotations, here are some tips for you.

1. Get used to taking orders: You may know much more than the resident, but you will always report to him/her, and you must show respect to the person in-charge. By maintaining a healthy relationship with your resident, you can learn a lot about how actual hospitals work. You will also be able to spend a good time during the rotations.

2. Act professionally: Maybe you’re interacting with the patient, nurse or the resident doctor, you must always show them respect and act in a responsible and professional manner. You’re undergoing training to be a doctor, and you must act like one.

3. Avoid issues with nurses and patients: Two of the major issues students have during their US clinical rotations are with nurses and patients. As new students, they do not have enough patience to deal with patients, resulting in arguments. One must avoid arguing with patients as much as possible. You will be dealing with such patients your entire life, and you need to deal with them in an amicable manner. Similarly, arguing or being on bad terms with nurses isn’t a good thing. In fact, it will give you a tough time during your stay at the health center. Avoid it.

4. Always alert the resident about significant findings: While checking the patients, you may make a crucial observation, and it’s your responsibility to report it to the resident right away. You should also ensure that you accurately record such observations. All of this will not only help you perform better but also help you be a better doctor.

5. Don’t act on your own: You’re going through the US clinical rotations, and you must understand that. You’re not in a position to prescribe anything or perform any procedure without authorization. Unauthorized methods may land you in deep trouble. As a fresher, it may skip your mind but now that you’ve got a particular warning, remember it!

6. Be punctual and active: Instead of shirking the work, you should always look for more responsibilities. The whole point of US clinical rotations are to build a doctor from a medical student, and it wouldn’t happen if you don’t take the initiative. Go ahead and get some more work. Spend some more sleepless nights at the hospital, even when your shift is over. It will all benefit you and make you a better doctor with more experience than your counterparts.

That’s how you can perform well during US clinical rotations. It also depends on where you’re doing it. Every college has partnerships with different health centers. Colleges like AUSOM give you full information on where you will do your US clinical rotations. Check it out.

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